
My name is Zemtsow Nikolay, I am 20 years old. And I Front-end Developer.

I have been doing front-end development for 4 years. I have 1.5 experience in JavaScript and static and dynamic web development applications on React. I also wrote the backend and parsing scripts in Python. I have experience in writing online stores as well as Admin panels. Also had experience in SSR (Server Side Rendering). I had experience writing applications in Vue or rather Debugging big amount of code. I worked on mobile development for about 6 months React Native I wrote a pet project and 1 application for IOS & Android.

Hard Skills:

Soft Skills:

I have experience in organizational communication skills, I also acted as a technical leader with the team on one of the freelance projects. Now I’m working on self-managmento, learning how to properly allocate time for work and life, and trying to adequately respond to both good and bad moments in life. When responding to a project, I try to listen to the client and understand what he needs, I’m used to finishing what I started, even if there is very little time allotted for it.

I gained my knowledge from official documentation JavaScript - MDN, FreeCodeCamp, HowProgrammingWorks by Metarhia
For the last year I have been a member of a closed developer community.

Of interest: React Native Mobile development, as well as further study of front-end and backend directions
